Supershortlease is part of Rebel Lease B.V.
Art. 1 The short lease rates are exclusive VAT and fuel
Art. 2 The short lease rates include:
Art. 3 Duration of the agreement
The minimum term is one month, unless otherwise agreed by contract. After the minimum term, the term is tacitly extended by one day each. The maximum duration is unlimited. A short lease month is set at 30 days, regardless of the calendar month. The exact number of days will be settled on the final invoice.
Art. 4 Conclusion of the contract
The agreement is concluded if the relevant quotation has been completely and correctly completed by the customer and has been legally signed and accepted by Rebel Lease B.V.Rebel Lease B.V. can refuse a quotation without further explanation.
Art. 5 Payment
The short-lease rate will be debited monthly by prepayment and direct debit on the first of the month. The lease price over a part of the month will be calculated pro rata. The customer authorizes Rebel Lease B.V. to collect the monthly lease price of the bank account stated on the lease contract.
In the case of a private short lease, the customer pays monthly in advance within 7 days of the invoice date.
Art. 6 No timely payment
The customer is in default without further notice of default if the direct debit has not been successful.
The customer will be given the opportunity to manually transfer the invoice amount within 5 working days in case of a first reversal, without adding extra costs.In the event of a second reversal, an amount of € 15,00 excl. VAT will be charged for administration costs and the direct debit will be removed and replaced by the payment condition: “prepayment”.If the outstanding amount is not paid within the set term, Rebel Lease B.V. reserves the right to remotely stop the vehicle as long as the arrears have not been paid. An amount of € 50,00 excl. VAT will be charged for activating the vehicle.
Art. 7 Extra kilometers/mileage
For extra kilometers/mileage, a price per kilometer is calculated, as agreed in the lease contract. If the extra kilometers exceed 10% of the agreed mileage, Rebel Lease B.V. is authorized to adjust the rate, as indicated in the short lease rates list, with retroactive effect to the actual mileage with the associated lease amount.
Art. 8 Pick-up & delivery service
Collection and delivery service to and/or from and to a location in the Netherlands costs:
Delivery or collection from A - B | € 95 |
Change of location A - B - A | € 130 |
Delivery and transfer A - B - C | € 150 |
Delivery or pickup at Schiphol | € 95 |
Delivery or collection at Schiphol in the weekend | € 140 |
Transportation surcharges
Surcharge province Zeeland |
€ 20 |
Urgent transport (request same day or day before, after 14:30) | € 35 |
Summer surcharge | € 30 |
Charging on the go (per charging session) | € 30 |
Refueling on the road (per refueling) | € 10 |
Amounts are per movement, excluding fuel, electricity and VAT.
Pick up at one of our offices is free of charge. The start and end mileage of the contract with the associated tank capacity are determined on departure and return at one of the HuurMij-offices.
Exchange during the contract period at the initiative of Rebel Lease B.V. are free of charge. For exchange on the customer's initiative, we charge an administration fee of € 75,00 excluding VAT. This is separate from transport costs.
Art. 9 Insurance
The monthly lease price includes the following insurance:
In the event of damage, the contractor will owe the agreed amount of the deductible, unless the damage that has arisen is fully compensated by a third party. For drivers under the age of 24 years a surcharge on the excess of € 150 applies per claim.
Parts of the car that do not belong to the equipment as supplied by Rebel Lease B.V. are not covered by the insurance taken out by Rebel Lease B.V.
Art. 10 Alarm service
In the event of a breakdown, the customer can call on our alarm service. This can be achieved 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Information is in the vehicle and / or on our website. In certain cases, but not exclusively, such as the incorrect refueling or other problems caused by own fault, the costs are passed on to the contractor.The maximum amount of own risk for calling the emergency service in the event of a flat tire is € 150.
Art. 11 Vehicle replacement
In case of repairs, maintenance or repair of damage, which lasts longer than 24 hours, the customer is entitled to replacement transport. The costs for the first 24 hours are for the contractor. When the customer brings the vehicle for maintenance to our branch in Leiderdorp, the customer receives free replacement transport (excluding fuel), irrespective of the duration of the maintenance. Travel kilometers are added to the kilometers of the lease car. Replacement transport is equivalent to the lease car as much as possible, but is always determined by Rebel Lease B.V.
In the case of non-recoverable damages, the costs for replacement transport are the first day for the account of the contractor. Non-recoverable damage is always repaired in-house, with possible exchange costs being for the account of the contracting party and outside the own risk.
Art. 12 Deposit and first monthly payment
The deposit is at least one month's term. The amount depends on the credit check and must be paid together with the first lease term prior to the vehicle being made available. After the vehicle has been returned or the short lease agreement has been terminated, the deposit will be refunded, or offset against other outstanding items arising from the same lease contract, such as, but not limited to, fines and damage.
Art. 13 Termination of the agreement
After expiry of the minimum duration, the agreement can only be canceled by the customer by e-mail, subject to a notice period of one day. After receipt of the cancellation, Rebel Lease B.V. will send the customer a written confirmation thereof. In consultation, the car will be picked up by Rebel Lease B.V. or returned by the contractor. An intake report is drawn up for this. If it is not possible to check the car properly, for example, but not exclusively, because the weather is bad, the car is dirty or it is too dark, the intake will be done at the location of HuurMij.
Cancellation before the agreed minimum duration is possible. The notice period remains one day. One monthly installment will be charged as cancellation fee on the final invoice.
Art. 14 Conditions
The customer accepts the conditions as stated in the agreement of Rebel Lease B.V. Leasing of the vehicles is based on category. We try to take account of possible preferences. For this the customer is dependent on the availability of the vehicle. The list of brands and types is only indicative and can change at any time.
Art. 15 Price adjustments
Rebel Lease B.V. is entitled, during the term of the right of use, to adjust the prices due to possible price changes. The price changes of the holder's tax, insurance, fees, taxes and other price changes permitted by the government can be fully implemented from the time that these changes occur.
Art. 16 Excluded branches and reletting
Rebel Lease B.V. does not offer short lease options for the cab industry, rental industry and courier industry. Subletting of short lease cars is not permitted.
Art. 17 Reclaim the vehicle
Rebel Lease B.V. is entitled to recover its properties or to remotely stop them in the event of default of payments and obligations or unlawful use of the vehicle by the contractor or driver. All costs arising from this are for the account of the contractor. As a result, Rebel Lease B.V. is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect.
Art. 18 Vehicle telematics
All our vehicles are equipped with vehicle telematics which sends, receives and stores information about distance. Vehicle telematics is a way of monitoring the location, the movements, the status and the behavior of one or more vehicles.In the event of repeated determination of (extremely) high speeds (170 km p/h or higher, Rebel Lease B.V. will report this to the tenant and Rebel Lease B.V. reserves the right to increase the deductible per damage to € 2,500.This information is never shared with third parties, except in case of a claim by the police or justice department. Within Rebel Lease B.V. there’s one specific person authorized to view this information.
Contact person: Franco Vosse, director Rebel Lease B.V., f.vosse@rebellease.nl
Art. 19 Costs not included in the lease term
Art. 20 Use of the car
In consultation with Rebel Lease B.V. it is possible for the contractor to provide the car with extra accessories and advertising messages. The costs associated with this are fully borne by the contractor as well as the costs for returning it to the original state upon termination of the contract.
Smoking in the car is prohibited. In case of violation, all cleaning costs as well as repair of related damages will be charged to the contractor, with a minimum of € 1.000,00 excl. VAT.
Art. 21 Maintenance and repairs
The contracting party undertakes to take care of the maintenance of the car according to the maintenance schedule of the manufacturer, as well as the weekly checking and , if necessary, adjusting / topping up of oil cooling, brake fluid and tire pressure. Maintenance must at all times be in consultation with the Carfleet Department of Rebel Lease B.V. in Leiderdorp, which must give permission for this.
Art. 22 Damage and theft
In the event of damage or theft, the contractor is obliged to fill in a claim form (front and back) and to report this to Rebel Lease B.V. within 24 hours on working days.Damage repair must at all times be in consultation with the Carfleet Department of Rebel Lease B.V. in Leiderdorp.Damage to or loss of the personal property of the contractor or occupants in the vehicle will be borne by the contractor. Art. 23 Payment arrangementRebel Lease B.V. offers the customer, in exceptional cases, the possibility to settle the payment arrears in a payment arrangement. An administrative fee will be charged for payment arrangements.
Art. 24 Collection
After exceeding the payment term, Rebel Lease B.V. is entitled to pay the statutory commercial interest in accordance with article 6:119A of the Dutch Civil Code +2% surcharge (financial loss) to charge the overdue balance.
If the payment term is exceeded, the customer is legally in default after having been summoned at least once by Rebel Lease B.V. to pay within a reasonably applicable term.
The extrajudicial costs are set at at least 15% of the total amount formed by principal and statutory commercial interest.
Art. 25 Return of vehicle
If vehicle is not returned clean and tidy to a reasonable degree, cleaning costs in the amount of at least the damage excess will be charged.
For unmentioned items, the following applies: